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HomeTous les numéros8 : 2

8 : 2 | 2011
Sex Sells, Blackness too?

Stylisation des rapports de domination dans les cultures populaires et postcoloniales
The stylization of relations of domination in popular and postcolonial cultures
Edited by Franck Freitas, Malek Bouyahia and Karima Ramdani
Sex Sells Volume couverture
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210x210mm - 300 p. - 19 €
ISBN 978-2-913169-30-2

Since the 1990s, Black popular cultures have been enjoying an unprecedented artistic and commercial recognition. What role do the representations of the Other, the body, women and race play in these highly publicized cultural productions? With various examples, from hip-hop to dancehall, Mariah Carey to Missy Elliott, this new issue of Volume! intends to make its contribution to the current constitution of cultural studies "à la française".

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